Desperate times call for desperate measures or that is what I would like to believe.
The dreaded recession has beaten some of us way down and a few haven't even had the chance to start running. Yes, college grads of '09 found a market that couldn't afford them. Plus jobs were in short supply and the old line,
"Hire me, I have a college degree!" couldn't get you a gig at McD's.
Too bad no one told them that it's just a $100,000 piece of paper with their name on it. So my friends went home or worked 3 part time jobs to get by. It's the kind of stress a 22 year old doesn't need.
Well one of these young adults was fed up and announced, "I'm going to live off of Craigslist for a year." And it quickly became a running joke but he held on to the idea and started a
"Good luck," I said wishing that I could join him on his wacky venture, "I would do it... if I didn't have a job already."
Well a few months later he's in San Fransico living with people he met on Craigslist and you can read all about his crazy idea at
Livingcraigslist.com. We're taking bets to see if he makes it. I think he's got a good shot and book deal with Oprah.