
Simplify Your Life

I carry a list of goals in my pocket and I keep a daily list on my iPhone. I have a personal mission statement with a list of 5 and 10 year goals. I even have a life achievement list. Well it's not that I'm crazy. I just understand that without having some sort of set destinations I'm due to wander through life waiting for death to catch up with me. I'm not here to watch. I'm here to play.

But... my problem is that my lists get too long and I forget to add important things... like, "Be nice to your girlfriend." Trust me, these things are important too.

Well ThirdAge put together a great list of 50 Ways to Simplify Your Life. And WalletPop does an excellent job of summing up this list. I suggest you read them both and try to apply some of the lessons to your own life.

Basically, it comes down to A) identifying what's most important to you, and B) eliminating everything else.

Really, what's the worst that could happen? Just try it.