
The Maine Effect

My office got to work on this campaign cutting their commercials. As an editor I spent hours browsing through footage of average people standing up for what they believe in.

Well I had seen the film "Milk" and suddenly found myself standing on the battlefield that Harvey had died on. I don't do many political things but this one felt right. I know people who take this issue dear to heart and I could trust them with my life. They're responsible, intelligent and tax paying citizens. The fact that this had to be voted on felt backwards. Unnecessary.

I'm for gay marriage because if we're going to demand fair laws for all citizens (God bless America); then we CAN'T create unfair laws for a few citizens. Especially if not having those laws doesn't affect the rest of us. It just doesn't make any sense! The fact that people can be so against gay marriage but want freedom for themselves is silly. Little Johnny doesn't want to share his toy ball but wants Phil to let him play with his Legos? Tsk tsk, what a shame.

Anyways... it was a good fight and I am proud to have worked on this. I think it's only a matter of time before its no longer an issue. You just have to be patient.


If you have time, check out these great articles covering this story...

With 87 percent of the precincts reporting, gay-marriage foes had 53 percent of the votes.
Maine Gay Marriage Vote: Voters Repeal Law Legalizing Gay Marriage

"We're in this for the long haul. For next week, and next month, and next year until all Maine families are treated equally. Because in the end, this has always been about love and family and that will always be something worth fighting for," said Jesse Connolly
Maine Gay Marriage Law Repealed

"They love and they have the right to love. And we can't tell somebody how to love," said Holman.
Maine Voters Reject Gay Marriage Law