"A few months ago, mainstream news outlets...reported that a photographer had found a lost tribe of warriors near the Brazilian-Peruvian border. Photos of the tribe backed up his claim...As it turns out, the story is only half true. The men in the photo are members of a tribe, but it certainly ain't 'lost.'"
The Not-So-Lost Tribe--buzz.yahoo.com
"Tribal guardian admits the Amazon Indians' existence was already known, but he hoped the publicity would lift the threat of logging..."
Secret of the 'lost' tribe that wasn't -- Guardian, UK
Well this is a real bummer. ONE, because I even blogged about it though the issues surrounding logging are still relevant. And TWO, because we really shouldn't be surprised since the media has been lying to us for years.
This is in response to a past post called Undiscovered Life On Earth...No Way!