The beautiful Kristin Kreuk best known for playing Lana Lang on the show Smallville which keeps sucking with every new season (did they do a musical episode yet and yes I was a fan at one point.) Well this hot Canadian actress is making her permanent leap to the big screen.
Kristin Kreuk - Smallville pool scene!
Well these days comic book and video game movies seem to be the next BIG thing, so why not make a NEW Street Fighter movie. Better yet, lets make it about one of its most popular characters that everyone loves, Chun-Li Zang! Then lets cast it to a white girl......huh? Kristin is set to play Chun-Li in the new Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li movie...wtf?
The issue is not white people. The issue is people with money who make movies about ethnic characters and still cast them to white actors when we OBVIOUSLY know the characters are ETHNIC. In 300, they slid by and got away with it (and I still loved the movie). We didn't know in the original comic book that EVERY character was black not just Xerxes and his Persian crew. But come on I've been playing Marvel VS Capcom for more then a decade and WE ALL know she's Chinese. Her name is freaking Chun-Li! Also they casted Ming-Na Wen as Chun Li in the '94 Van Damme's UPN classic Street Fighter.
Street Fighter Alpha: Chun Li AMV
Well it's 2008 and we just might have our first black president this year. Could you maybe cast an Asian person as a kick ass Asian character in an American movie? And yes Asians don't get good roles in films. Its an issue in Hollywood most people don't know about on the East Coast. (There are A LOT of Asians in California. That is why Piankhi moved there.)
TCM's 'Race & Hollywood: Asian Images in Film' #1
So what I'm trying to say is that out of the 3.5 billion people living in Asia, you couldn't find someone Asian to play Chun-Li. Well I'm boycotting the movie until its on Netflix. Then maybe I'll watch it. Just maybe.
"The only thing to question is her ethnicity - Chun-Li is Chinese character, as obviously pointed out in the game. Kreuk is born in Canada, but she does have a similar look, in a far-fetched (and attractive) way. Besides that, she's definitely hot enough to play Chun Li."
Kristin Kreuk Cast as Chun-Li in Street Fighter Movie -- FirstShowing.net