Creaky Boards swears that Coldplay used the melody of their original song "The Songs I Didn't Write" to compose "Viva La Vida"
You can download the Creaky Board's song on MySpace (or watch the video below). Well I listened to this and I'm not sure if Coldplay really jacked the song from them. There are really only so many chords and melodies you can play. Music theory proves this. Plus look on the bright side. An already popular band may have borrowed your melody like Kanye West does with everything. It would hurt more if they were a new band using the melody to break into the music scene. Honestly it turns out that Coldplay wins this one because they claim to have written the song "in March of last year", but I will say I'm a Coldplay fan and I'll still buy the album.
"We're one of the world's worst—but most enthusiastic—plagiarists as a band. We'll try and copy anything but tend to fail, so we come up with something...that sounds like us..."
Coldplay: "We'll Try and Copy Anyone"--E online
Coldplay + iTunes steals Viva La Vida from Creaky Boards!
VIVA LA VIDA iTunes Spot - Coldplay