Well it really wasn't DC's best weekend ever...but still its pretty good.
The Washington Nationals beat the Baltimore Orioles - This fake rivalry played to the largest crowd ever at the new stadium, which I will say is beautiful stadium and a great place to watch baseball. My only issue is that there is only one funnel cake stand and all of us who are standing in the long line are like..."Why is there only one funnel cake stand?" Please fix this.
DC United beat David Beckham and the LA Galaxy! - Wow, I thought we sucked. Granted everyone who didn't go to the game wearing black (it was like 99 degrees outside) sat at home waiting for Spain to beat Germany. So honestly I didn't pay much attention to it, I was just very surprised that it was 4-1.
Metro Bus #31 - On Sunday, the DC Metro Bus system changed up the dreaded 30 bus routes! People you need to recognize this. BUS 31 is NEW!! Don't get it on it if you are going down town. Only 32 and 36 go downtown! Hopefully this new system will speed things up and give us riders who are going to Georgetown a crowd-less bus. (That would be awesome) So please pay attention because I really hated having to listen to the bus driver explain to people at EVERY single stop that he wasn't going downtown. Seriously it was annoying.
5. Overly crowded buses
4. Shouting aggressive driving rude bus drivers
3. LOUD people on cellphones (in any language)
2. Teenagers with no respect for personal space
1. Smelly homeless people (especially those who urinate on the bus)
Well besides getting stuck on the metro rail with both crowds from these games...I would say it was a solid weekend. I got to see Wanted (review coming later). Visited the Lake of the Woods with Leif and ran into my old pal, Adam Wolf. Got to help shoot a film on Sunday and my girlfriend came back from the beach. Alls well that ends well, so I can't complain.
Bring it, Monday.