There are still people living on this planet that have NEVER had contact with the outside world?! Crazy! Things like this remind me that we know NOTHING! Everyday you will learn something new. Yet I will point out that this is all connected to a bigger issue and that needs to be addressed: Deforestation and the Extinction of a Human Race
"In this image from Survival International, showing 'uncontacted Indians' of the Envira, who have never before had any contact with the outside world, photographed during an overflight in May 2008, as they camp in the Terra Indigena Kampa e Isolados do Envira, Acre state, Brazil, close to the border with Peru. 'We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to show they exist,' said uncontacted tribes expert Jose Carlos dos Reis Meirelles Junior."
Uncontacted Indian tribe spotted in Brazil -- MyNorthwest.com
"There are more than one hundred uncontacted tribes worldwide, with more than half living in either Brazil or Peru. All are in grave danger of being forced off their land, killed and decimated by new diseases. Survival has launched an urgent campaign to get their land protected...The world needs to wake up to this, and ensure that their territory is protected in accordance with international law. Otherwise, they will soon be made extinct."
Uncontacted tribe photographed near Brazil-Peru border -- Survival International