Let me give it to you straight. It's an okay movie. I'd give it a B- on a good day. Let's just say no one in the theater clapped when the credits rolled, but I still think it was worth watching in theaters just not at midnight. It's definitely the weakest of the 4 films.
Well Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull like most of George Lucas's projects in the last decade probably shouldn't have been made.
What I liked: Watching Indiana Jones kick ass, watching Harrison Ford run (name a movie that he's in where he doesn't run), Cate Blanchett's character, the return of Karen Allen and a couple of good jokes.
What I didn't like: Shia LaBeouf, the dialogue, the plot, the visual effects and the editing. (Now, I just want to point out the fact that though I did not enjoy the editing this is not a smear on Michael Kahn (age 72) and his inspirational career. Just that I noticed a few repeated mistakes which I'm sure was more related to production then post production.)
Yep, it was kind of disappointing. The story was wishy washy and a little plain. There were too many special effects and it made it look clean and glossy, not dirty and real. I'm not going to spill the beans with details but I feel that Lucas and Spielberg's creativity must be zapped. They're too old and are family men to the core which can make you too full of good morals. This film is soaked with positive family messages. Plus it was like watching a combination of all of their Sci Fi films starring Indiana Jones. Yes, I laughed and clapped at some parts but they recycled so much material. I mean all in all its kind of refreshing to know that Hollywood has officially almost run out of ideas. That means the next generation of imagination can take over this world at a moment's notice. (C'mon Shyamalan!) I have a shot. You have a shot. We all have a shot, but in the end we really need to WANT it.
Indian Jones 4. It was okay.
Oh and did you know that they're making a Jurassic Park 4 that is coming out in 2009? Good grief, I bet it takes place in space this time.
Indiana Jones and the Song of Theme