I downloaded Portishead's new album the Third off iTunes at work and I've been blasting this great dramatic music for a week straight. It's sooo good.
My best friend in high school introduced me to them almost a decade ago but I didn't really get into it until my senior year in college. I really love their moods, textures and how they mix genres. Beth Gibbons vocals are eerie and perfect for their sound. It just tells a sad story that is worth listening to over and over again.
Well Third is a great Portishead album. If you know the band and their music you will like this album. If you are new to their music go buy their first two albums, especially Portishead. Well you won't find any real BIG hits but I'm a fan of "Nylon Smile" and "The Rip". Overall this album is quiet and dark. I would give it a B+ for its solid down-tempo sound since it has been a decade since they've released a new album as a band. I only wish there was a little more jazzy trip hop to the music.
Portishead live at Portishead "THE RIP" 04 (current tv)