Okay besides this past weekend consisting of love-hate relationships, car booting, the DC nightlife and celebrating Mother's Day, I will have to say the rain has been just that ugly smell coming from the refrigerator. Yes, we do need it but so much at one time? What happened to April showers bring May flowers?
Highlights from the rain...
3. Getting soaked while walking two blocks with a broken umbrella with my girlfriend to go buy ice cream from Giant before it closes. Sometimes Cookies N'Cream is worth that much. Plus the cake donuts thought we also bought are crazy delicious.
2. Hydroplaning in my sister's car through the streets of DC. We even took a different route home to avoid the floody streets of Mass Ave only to drive through an ocean that formed on River Road. BOOYA to the jack ass in front of me who slammed his brakes once they realized how deep the water was. Dude, I can't brake while gliding through 4 inches of water.
1. Coming home this morning to find my basement studio recovering from a flood. Yep. There must have been a quarter inch of water at some point. The floor rugs and some of my artwork/sentimental things were ruined. I'm pretty clean so there wasn't much on the floor but the point is during the signing of my lease...I did ask if the basement flooded. The Property Manager either said she didn't know or there has never been any complaints. BS!! Oh well...I may have an indoor pool by the end of the week. (More to come later I'm sure)
Also to add to my frustration is all the idiots who walk down the streets of DC carrying umbrellas and ignore the Umbrella Code of Conduct. For those of you who are ignorant of the dangers of wielding an umbrella READ THE ARTICLE BELOW or otherwise stay indoors for the safety of mankind. Thank you.
"When it rains, I simply refuse to use my umbrella. I have one....The umbrella is the perfect fit for me, not too big, not too small....But still I refuse to use my umbrella, even if it is pouring elephants and hippopotamuses. Why is that? It's because the people around me do not know how to operate their umbrellas. But my problem with umbrella use worsens when I, umbrella-less, am walking down a crowded sidewalk where everyone and his dog is using an umbrella...improperly."
Lessons in umbrella etiquette--The Pitt News
Umbrella Etiquette-People Behaving Badly