Dancing is a very big thing in my family. If you have ever been to my parents house during a birthday/graduation party or a special event you have taken witness to our dance battles. (The last one ended with my brother Josh splitting his pants declaring me the victor.) We take our show on the road to weddings and in college we join dance clubs and sometimes major in dance. Dance is life and we are dancers.
So I'm going to try and routinely post dance videos that inspire, wow and drive me to dance. The first posting is about a new thing which has been dubbed as "the biggest online dance battle ever" between Miley Cyrus and Adam Sevani (Moose from Step Up 2). The whole idea is kind of cheesey and the dancing is edited to showcase their best moves but its some really amazing stuff. I've posted the videos in the correct order. They're long but entertaining, enjoy.
Adam and Chu challenge Miley and Mandy: Blog 6.
M&M Cru with a U BATTLES Step Up 2
Dance battle with Miley Cyrus, Adam Sandler, Chris Brown...