I came across this in the paper a couple of weeks ago, but I was too busy to write anything at the time. I think this book called, "Not Quite What I was Planning: Six Word Memoirs from Writers Famous and Obscure" was coming out and its filled with six word stories submitted by all these people. The pure creative humanity of it all reminded my of the Post Secret project. I will probably buy the book for inspiration but I wanted to post links to similar articles and websites that cover the same idea. Seriously, I find them to be as inspiring as a great song written by Journey. Well if you haven't noticed yet the title of this post is my six word story. Enjoy.
"Everyone has a story. Can you tell yours in six words? Submit yours to be considered for SMITH's next six-word memoir book."
Six-Word Memoirs -- SMITH
"Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words ("For sale: baby shoes, never worn.") and is said to have called it his best work. So we asked sci-fi, fantasy, and horror writers....to take a shot themselves."
Very Short Stories -- Wired
"On Flickr I learned about a story, apocryphal or not about Hemingway....Can you write a six word story and post it in the comments? I'm still working on mine, which contains the word "Leave" so far."
Six Word Story -- Caterina.net