So out of all fairness and the fact that I do believe the media in their haste to tell us stories only let us see and hear parts of things. Not the whole so its easy to take things out of context. Well Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr. I'm sorry that they took your message and cut it down into sound bites that made you look bad. But in reality to the rest of the nation it is what it is. You said those words, but then to find yourself months later back in front of the camera with a microphone to your mouth and once again to jam your foot in it causing more harm then good. Yes sir this is almost a NIGGAR MOMENT. What is a Nigger Moment? Let's clarify.
"Nigger Moment" (n.) This is usually caused by at least one or more black people. According to Huey Freeman, a nigger moment can start as something simple...."
Nigger Moment -- Urban Dictionary
Basically I believe its when black people with status, power and respect do something that's beyond stupid and its so bad that all black people feel ashamed. OJ Simpson has a whole lot of them, Mike Tyson has walked down that road and Michael Jackson has been there too. Now don't be wrong the average person can do it to and I'm sure I've done some stuff that was never recorded but was pretty stupid. It's just when you're in the lime light, you need to remember that there are way too many people watching. That fact itself gives you great power which requires great responsibility.
Come on Wright, you're coming off as an arrogant bastard proving that your ego may be bigger then your message. Some of the things you said were true and were good, but sometimes knowing what not to say is more powerful. You can't answer everything with your personal views, beliefs and experiences and then tie it together with the black church. You were making comments as if you represented ALL black people and ALL black churches even if they liked it or not. You know and I know for certain NOT all black people are the same so in no way can ALL black churches be the same. So stop hiding behind the rest of us and stand on your own!
But for the sake of the times of today. In the midst of an election time when you are knowingly tied to a great potential for a colored man to be president of the United States, so could you please shut the fuck up. Yes, you are pastor and will be a pastor. Yes Obama is a politician and may not become a president but in the end voters will vote and what you say carries weight on the scales of judgment. You have to realize this is a time to play your part. Also whoever keeps giving him the mic, can we shoot them?
By no means is this an attack against the black church, black people or religion. I'm just asking a man to grow some balls and use them. Trinity United Church of Christ is a great church and they do great things and REAL churches help people outside of their congregation, but if you got to stand on a box and say something. Then say it like a man. Don't claim that the rest of us are behind you unless we really are....besides you wouldn't even have this national spotlight if it wasn't for Mr. Politician, Barack Obama.
Oh Lord where is Dave Chappelle. This is why his show was so amazing because he would take these moments and break them down into their comedic elements. Proving that the whole idea behind it is just one big joke and benefits no one. Also South Park does the same thing with a little more violence and fart jokes.
Boondocks Niggar Moment