
Kids today...geeze

Girls beat up a 16 year old girl

Okay first off. Why is this in the news? Don't kids get beat up everyday at school some where in the country? Who freaking cares! Oh wait...their white? Damn...someone needs to post this on Youtube.

Anyway, Fox airing this on TV you have done exactly what these 8 kids wanted to do. Humiliate Lindsay. Well thanks for playing along, dumbass!

I agree that it was wrong and they need to be punished. All of them should be tried at the same level. I'm glad they were arrested and charged with felony battery and false imprisonment. In reality its all misdemeanors. The guys at work completely believe that this will be a slap on the wrist and it will be probation for everyone. No serious jail time though if they had killed her it be game over.

But what you have to realize is that these kids planned it. They knew they were going to get caught. They didn't care. "They seemed to have absolutely no remorse at all," Judd said. "They were just going to beat her. And beat her they did." This goes along with my belief that you shouldn't do the crime unless you are willing to do the time and they were.

And to be honest...she probably deserved it. When your parents are quoted saying, "she wasn't perfect and had her share of problems...was not living at home at the time of the incident....she also had a history of anger problems." Then maybe we need to hear the other side of the story because to piss off 8 people that much, means do you did something pretty bad.

Well next time I hope she fights back because that's what I would have done.