Well screw the my allergies. I'm done. I can't take it anymore. Seriously the worst part is walking home after a long day at work. I take a shower immediately cause I'm running like a faucet. It's disgusting. "Hey trees. Cut down on the sex life for just a moment so I can breathe."
Keep an ear out for Artomatic news. I'm in it this year and you don't want to miss it. Plus lately, I've been shooting a lot of photography. I'll post one of my new pics from Las Vegas below. Also on a side note... I went to my first fashion show on Sunday and... wow. It's a different world.
So my GF returns in 9 days. I started counting at like 150. I can't help it I'm a romantic. Well its been good time. Actually I wasted a lot of time and I didn't even play WoW. Nothing even major happened, so it was kind of a bust. No REALLY crazy parties. No ventures to the strip club or even a whacky game of strip poker (its about due time people). Well my last weekend of freedom is quickly approaching. I'll be working on a 48 hour film project but other then that I kind of want it to go out with a bang. Cause people I'm going to be MIA and loving it. So get your time in now.
Oh and just for you people who read this on Facebook. Every once in a while click on the original post and up my view counts. It helps my ego. Thanks.