Okay so I've never read any of their books and I spent like 30 seconds on Funk's blog but seriously if you have READ any of them, please let me know. I want to hear your opinion on them. Judging from the titles and the comments from Amazon, I found myself laughing at 6:15 in the morning. (I'm sorry but its a silly boy thing.)
Supergirls Speak Out: Inside the Secret Crisis of Overachieving Girls
"Too many young women feel enormous pressure to attain unrealistic standards of perfection in every area of their lives. The emotional toll is often damaging -- and can be life-threatening. With Supergirls Speak Out, Liz Funk performs an invaluable service by examining this serious problem and exploring what we can do to help young women lead healthier, happier lives."
Slut! Growing Up Female with a Bad Reputation
"The fear of being branded a sexual female is directly related to the dueling religious and historical concepts of woman as either pure, good, virginal, and eternally unspoiled, or earthy, evil, scandalous and sexual. Tanenbaum summarizes the history of female sexuality, culminating in a discussion of the impact of the feminist movement of the 1960's and 70's on female sexuality, and the subsequent retreat and backlash from that movement."
I am sure in preparation for married life and raising daughters I will find my nose in between these books or something similar. Being prepared is half the battle, right?