So the other night I'm watching a repeat of The Colbert Report and the theme of the show is water, which turned to be very fascinating. The guest was inventor Dean Kamen and his vapor compression distiller. It's a water cleaning machine that is amazing and he's trying to get millions made so he can spread them world wide. How does it work? Basically stick one end in dirty water/sewage and out the other end comes pure clean water. I have no idea how it actually works or what it will be called. BUT thats not what this is about! What I remembered the next day was a little comment Colbert made while pointing at the 3 gallon jugs of water on the ground. Colbert questioned Dean if he had ever been to a web site called "pretty girls carrying heavy things.com"
And it gets a pretty good laugh and even stumps Dean for a second. The next day...i decided to look up the website AND.... it doesn't exist! What?! Its such a novel idea too. Pretty girls carrying heavy things. So simple and not pornographic but for some odd reason very cute...? Turns out the following day after the show had aired it reached the 9th spot on Google Trend for that day. Also someone from Godaddy.com was watching and now they own the rights. So if you have the time and money to waste, I'd go ahead and start building this great photo sharing website: Prettygirlscarryingheavythings.com
Just let me know when you are done.
You can watch the segment here: The Colbert Report - 3/20