WARNING: Unless you're into video games or interested in Nintendo products, I wouldn't bother reading this. Also because my life was threatened since I had ruined the results of Project Runway for someone. I will keep this short, simple and not reveal too much detail.
Well if I haven't said it before, go buy Nintendo stock! This company is crazy. Where do they think of these things? "Hey lets create a weird battle game involving popular characters from like 20 other games."
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - LIVES UP TO THE HYPE!
Well I bought a Wii when they first came out (I'm so lucky) and the only game I've been looking forward to play is Smash Bros. My family only owns everything Nintendo so we're big fans of multiplayer games like Smash. The battles get pretty heated but its totally worth it. Well my little brother bought the game yesterday so I came home to play. Here are the results:
1. All around AWESOME game. Just as fun as the others and the combos and special smash attacks are SO SWEET. Great job with game development. The visuals are pretty smooth, which makes combat levels vicious.
2. We haven't unlocked all the characters yet but from what I've seen and played with they're SO much fun. Crazy attacks, speeds and power. Everyone will find a character that fits their smash style. Though I would like to understand how the Stickers (they improve your abilities) can really come into play.
3. The two player adventure mode is so SERIOUS. Its entertaining and actually isn't easy, we die a lot and it took us like 4 hours just to get through 26% of the game. I love how this gives you another way to play the game and the whole set up is retro cool. I look forward to playing the other mini games.
Sadly, we didn't try the online play, so I can't comment on that but I'm sure its not too bad. The only thing I didn't like was getting used to playing with the nunchuck and Wii wand controllers. My entire hand started to hurt after 5 hours, plus its a little difficult to jump with certain characters which is annoying on any level where you need to jump (like all of them.) But seriously this game is a 10 out of 10. SO GO PLAY IT NOW!
PS> I still can't beat my brother.