Like a million other Americans last night my girlfriend and I curled up on the couch and watched the final of Project Runway 4 and to no surprise (I told everyone all week who was going to win but no one really wanted him to) fierce Christian won! Seriously I don't watch the show but if I'm flipping channels and its on I usual watch about 30 minutes of it before going back to cartoons.
I'm so happy for him because he's so young, talented and has goals for his life. Christian (my fav) was not only creative like my man Chris but he was sharp which is hard to do. (Besides Victoria Beckham loves you and I love her.) Besides this seasons cast was SO talented. Honestly amazing. Rami or Jillian could have won and it would have been justified. Rami is the most excellent designer of all (Probably the best ever on that show). Jillian improved every week and seriously made clothes for women.
I applaud Project Runway for being one of the only few shows where we actually see people's talent. They are making original stuff not eating weird things or running through obstacle courses or trying to sing their best rendition of a popular song. We artist watch to be inspired.
Though the only things I can't really stand about the show is all the advertisement and product placement. Plus the way they edit the show. As an editor I pick up on everything, its like trying to listen to a song but it skips every 4 seconds. So annoying.
Well good luck to next season's cast and I wish I could try out but I can't make clothes. Oh well. Cheers.
PS> I think TLC also has some great shows but more on that later.
PS. PS> Did anyone see the jeans commercial where the guy pulls up his pants and the street crashes through his bedroom. The person in the booth was a dude this time around, so there must be two versions of this spot. It's all about who is your target audience.