This is a F-A-C-T. Do me a favor. Think of every love sick puppy dog romance you have ever seen on TV or in a movie and ERASE it from your mind. This shit doesn't exist and if you think you know someone who is living it. Well, it just looks like that from the outside. Cause inside they are fighting to steer a boat through the ice cold waters of the Norwegian Pass. (Totally made that up.)
There are two things to learn from this.
Number one! Eight times out of ten he's not thinking about what you're thinking about.
Number two! A man's mind is like a room full of boxes and there's this rubber ball that represents what he's focusing on/thinking about it. Well, this ball can only be in one box at a time. Though he can quickly move it from box to box, so that it looks like he's multitasking... it's an illusion. He's not.
So once you have those two ideas down, go the extra mile to explain your feelings and your thoughts. You might even have to do this twice, but at some point the ball will be in your box and he will hear you. (Warning: This REALLY takes time depending on what size your box is.)
"Most men see things in a bigger picture rather than the small picture that women see. This can be very difficult, but if you learn how to communicate with each other, you'll be able to overcome your issues. It's hard to understand the other sex, but if you can take the time to ask some questions. You'll be able to understand each other with better communication skills." -- What You Need To Know About HOW Guys Think
A lot of truth here.
What Guys (Secretly) Think About What You Wear
(This is part 9 of the "31 Things" series inspired by the article, "Things I Wish I'd Known About Dating When I was 21".)