So which girl were you or still is you? 'Cause to be honest, you haven't changed at all. To read the full list of descriptions go HERE, but I'm just going to comment on the ones I've met. (NOTE: Their list is missing the so called "Sporty Spice" girl. Don't worry, I see you babe.)
1. The Cheerleader – I never hooked up with her, but we did dance once. She lived across the hall from me. Catching her walking back from the shower in her towel was a weekly gift.
2. The Phantom Boyfriend – I knew a couple of these girls. Cute, funny and actually wants to hangout. Most of their boys were cool too, but I don't think any of their relationships made it through college. I should have kept a few numbers.
3. The Courtney Love – I drank with them, but never went home with them because my brohem was hitting it.
4. The Friedan – Probably argued with her in class, but we never hung out.
5. The Chastity Belt – I didn't have patience, so I stopped hanging out with her after my first semester.
6. The Rhoda – Never met her. Thank god.
7. The Cialis – Augh! Totally chased her for like two years. We still meet up for drinks, like once a year. She knows it. I know it. Hate the game not the player.
8. The Lesbo Possessive Friend of the Chick You Hook Up With That Hates You – I never met her, because I get along with everyone. (Well usually.)
9. The Book Worm – I dated her and totally could have made better use of my time.
10. The Guarantee – Caught her during welcome week and two weeks later she peace'd out for another dude. Eventually came back, but I had moved on by then. You live and you learn.
11. The Non-Conformist – We were only acquaintances and shared a class a couple of times. Nice girl, but a little crazy.
12. The World Cup – I never had the pleasure of really crossing paths with her in college, but when I did... yeah, she's amazing.