My girlfriend of two years is going abroad for the spring semester to Spain. We practically live together so this transition isn't going to be easy and I'm going to find myself with A LOT of me time. So I have decided to commit myself to a few things.
One... filmmaking and photography. If I'm not out shooting a film. I will be out taking pictures of something or some one.
Two... I will take this free time to read more, write more and watching over 200 films to greatly increase my understanding on topics such as finances, filmmaking and storytelling. Consider it my Hyperbolic Time Chamber. So if I spend the entire weekend in my room... you'll know why.
Three... spending quality time in the world of Azeroth. (This will only happen if I fix my computer and complete my thesis early. Otherwise nothing positive will get done and I can't afford that.)
Well besides all of the usual stuff, I do have one other issue and since I don't want life to pass me by for the next four months I will need an Anti-Girlfriend, to pull my head out of the gutter and give me a good reason to go out on the weekend.
What's an Anti-Girlfriend? Let me break it down for ya.
A Girlfriend is..."a female friend with whom a man or boy is romantically or sexually involved; a sweetheart."
Anti refers to "a person who is opposed to something, such as a group, policy, proposal, or practice."
So an Anti-Girlfriend would be... "a female friend who is opposed to being romantically or sexually involved with a man or boy. A friend with benefits without the benefits."

So what's in it for you? Most of the spoils that my girlfriend gets: free food, free drinks, the occasional date and lots of Starbucks.
All applicants must submit a photo and a short story about why they should be my Anti-Girlfriend. My requirements are that you're photogenic, funny, love a good movie and play well with others. Also applications must be submitted by email and don't call me. I'll call you. ;-)
Good luck.
Boys With Girlfriends by Meiko