Hitting up the Rest Stop on the way north.

The dress shop where she used to work. Its full of bridal stuff.

Best friend lick'n action after dinner.

The cold cold Sportsplex where they threw Billy a surprise party.

Her cousin who is known for putting on a great show.

You can't beat this view from the lakehouse.

The closest thing to heaven after being in hell (aka the NJ Turnpike with wall to wall traffic)
Hello good people. I hope all is well and you find yourself in a giddy mood.
I have returned from basically a week long vacation in New England with my gf's family. Overall, I had a great time and really can't complain. I sorta wish everyone lived a little bit closer because I swear I spent half the time I was up there in a car driving somewhere. Her parents are divorced so they do the 2 Thanksgivings and 2 Christmases thing. It has its pros and cons and will definitely play a factor when you measure the chances of our long term relationship. But the point is that I I had a good time and wanted to post some images from the trip. I took more photos with my iPhone then my $3000 camera but I did get a chance to use both and will post the artistic stuff later. Oh and I do love Photo Blogs but I lack the diligence to really create one.
Also this is a quick review about using your iPhone while traveling... I give it a (B+) since the Pandora application works so well. I know cause I already use it at work but once you leave a 3G network (any city) and end up in a very rural area, good luck. AT&T doesn't reach this far (though you're still in America) and your music will either disappear or stop-n-go like a porno streaming from the internet. Oh well. Also the battery does seem to die a lot faster and I started to regret not buying the car charger. The Apple stores sells one for like $60 but I'm sure Best Buy has a much cheaper generic one. Anyways... the iPhone worked great and even the GPS/map function got us unlost after it got us lost. Seriously this thing is the coolest thing I have ever bought. Its not an iPhone but a HandTop (aka Laptop for your hand). Make sure to add it to your Christmas wish list along with Apple stock.
I'm hitting up the Vampire Weekend concert tonight. I will post a review later this week. Also I need to recap my first flag football season playing for Boston U in the CAN football league, plus I'm doing pretty well in fantasy too.
One love people and enjoy your leftovers... cause I have none.