A beautiful thing about our country is that Americans as consumers have the last say. No matter how big you get, if we don't buy your product...you go out of business. Well my friends, some of us our trying to unite under one banner for we are outraged by Budweiser selling itself like an two dollar whore to InBev.
"The Budweiser maker, which controls nearly half the U.S. beer market, agreed July 13 to be bought by InBev, brewer of Beck's and Brahma, for $52 billion in cash. The deal, which will create the world's largest brewer, is expected to close by year end."
Anheuser Net Edges Up, Helped by a New Brand -- The Wall Street Journal
Why does this bother us? Well this wouldn't be a big issue if Bud wasn't the greatest American beer. I mean it has some serious roots within our country and now it just up and left? Granted they're still making the beer here but its no longer technically an American company. So this my plea to you to boycott Budweiser. Life As List's "Just Say No" post gives you a great long list of Bud products that you shouldn't buy. Here's a sample of them: Busch, Natural Light, Rolling Rock, O'Doul's, Bud Light, Michelob Ultra... and the list goes on!!
Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about...maybe I'm being a jackass about this. They're calling it a merger to sound nice but next time I'm out at a bar. I'm ordering a Miller Lite. It's Miller Time baby.