For example... (and I won't even use my current relationship to validate my point) I always found it cute when a girl would wear my comfy pants. Whether it was soft PJs or basketball shorts, because she has to adjust them to make them fit better. Sometimes she rolls up the pants leg or rolls down the top. Either way it's goofy, but irresistibly cute.
"I know offering to drive is the gentlemanly thing to do, but when my now girlfriend got behind the wheel on our second date, it took the pressure off me to be so responsible for the night. I could kick back and relax." - Jeremy, 35, Atlanta
"It's great when a woman gets comfortable enough in the relationship to call me out for being ridiculous with a friendly but sarcastic 'Really, Tim?' The challenge is stimulating." - Tim, 27, Boston
"My girl holds a hair tie in her mouth as she pulls up her hair. That kind of multitasking is irresistible to me for some reason." - William, 31, Ann Arbor, Mich.
"Whether a man loves dating or hates it, we all agree: It's like a high-wire act. Sometimes you slip, plummet, and crash. Other times, she catches you. And when she does, you know she's a keeper."
Dating 101: Ways You Keep Him Hooked and Happy
"Men share the subtleties that they swoon for." -- Yahoo