I'm not into camping and really have never been, which is crazy do to the fact that a spent sooo much time hiking through the woods behind my house growing up. Well, I thought this was a creative practical way of taking a shower outdoors. I'm sure you would be able to pull this off with a small black trash bag, but Pocket Shower is too cute of a name.
"This compact, light-weight shower lives up to its claims. I showered for 9 minutes, two minutes over its 7-minute claim. Gravaity feed flow through the shower head is gentle and relaxing. At a base camp just let the sun warm the water, or pour in warm water when ready to shower at the end of the day. I wish I had this when I did the John Muir Trail--could have showered everyday and kept my sleeping bag, tent and cloths from smelling so ripe!" - Customer Review
Sea To Summit Pocket Shower - $24.95
Thank you DailyCandy.