If you haven't seen The Dark Knight yet...STOP READING!! Cause you're a moron and may miss out on one of the best films to be in theaters in the last decade. I'm serious! Go See It!
Moving on...well after a brief discussion about the beauty and minor flaws of the new Batman movie. I happen to mention some villains that I would like to see in the next batman movie. I grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series and they covered almost every villain. So we browsed the web for info and upon further investigation...to my surprise a few names popped up and few mysteries were revealed to me and I will share them with you.
1. Two Face is back. Aaron Eckhart's contract is for two Batman flicks so Two Face didn't die, but Harvey's character did (explains the funeral). I think this is the best looking Two Face I have ever seen and I can't wait too see the two piece suit.
2. Rachel Dawes didn't die!?! Maggie Gyllenhaal signed on two do two Batman films as well! So if her character didn't die, we're guessing she will rise from the ashes as Sylenal Kyle and become Catwoman since she would have 8 lives left, anyway. Michelle Pfeiffer did an amazing job and I don't think it can be beat, but Catwoman is one of those characters you got to love. Good luck Maggie, you're growing on me.
"But how much stronger the dynamic when Catwoman is actually a twisted version of the woman Wayne has loved since he was a child, and for whose transformation to the dark side he blames himself?"
Gyllenhaal as Catwoman after all? -- Den of Geek
3. The third film in fact could involve the Riddler and Mr Johnny Depp will of course sample some of his Willy Wanka to bring this character to life.
"A source tells the Enquirer, "(Producers) are convinced that the role of the Riddler is perfect for Depp. Johnny's a pro. He'll be able to take direction from director Chris Nolan and still make the character his own."
Johnny Depp to Play The Riddler? -- Hollywood.com
4. The final tip is that there could also be an introduction of The Penguin played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. Again Danny DeVito's Penguin is vile and gross, which worked for the film but Hoffman is an amazing actor full of surprises so I would expect something different.
"HOLLYWOOD - Actors Philip Seymour Hoffman and Sam Rockwell have added their names to the growing list of Batman baddie wannabes after reportedly expressing interest in playing The Penguin and The Joker respectively. "
Hoffman and Rockwell Join 'Batman' Baddies List -- Hollywood.com
So there you go. Four possible villains in The Return of the Dark Knight. My guess is that Two Face and Catwoman create the Penguin like Joker created them. He is the Dog of Chaos.
Also this article does a decent job at debunking everything I just said:
Catwoman In Batman 3? Depends Who You Listen To -- io9.com