Thao with The Get Down Stay Down are going to be at the Black Cat tonight and I SO want to GO!
Well I'm not a person who listens to a lot of folk music but a couple of months ago I came across one of their music videos and just loved their vibe. Their music is honest , their melodies are fun and Thao Nguyen vocals are uniquely wonderful.
"Thao with the Get Down Stay Down played a mix of cheerful alt-country/pop songs with more contemplative tunes. It was immediately apparent that all members of the band are incredibly talented musicians and Thao’s magnetic yet unpretentious stage presence made for a truly enjoyable show."
PopRocks! Thao with the Get Down Stay Down Concert Review -- Gather.com
They have three albums (which I haven't purchased yet) but "Chilvary" is my favorite song and the fact that you can download a few songs on their MySpace is awesome. (I love free music) Plus Thao Nguyen is from Northern Virginia, so I got to represent my peoples. Check 'em out and let me know if you want to go.
Thao with the Get Down Stay Down - Bag of Hammers