First, I want to thank everyone who has prayed, sent kind words or even stopped by to visit my sister in these past months. It means a lot to all of us. Friends and family are important in times of difficulty that we all must face. You can't truly value life without the pain, the loss or confusion, but you don't have to live it alone. I hope that I can offer the same support that you have given me. Thank you.
The update to keep it simple is that my sister has been in the hospital for the past week. Her right long had collapsed and turns out their is a slight tear in the outer pocket that is leaking air so it won't stay up by itself. She is having surgery on Thursday to repair the damage and test some other things concerning the TS. My mother sent out this email, so I am posting it here.
Aliya has been doing very well and this is a minor set back in her recovery. She was supposed to be going back to work this week and I know she is tired of being bedridden. It's not something that she wants but it needs to be done. I'm learning more about true strength. Our bodies are wonderfully made but truly fragile, so we're in God's hands now. Thank you.
- Peace
Hello Everyone,
We met with the surgeon today and he is planning to do the surgery on Thursday morning. The plan is to close the hole that is leaking, possibly do a biopsy to check for disease, and depending on if there are more problem areas that may leak he will do a procedure to prevent future leaks. They will not have to open her up for the surgery; instead they will make three holes – front, side, and back. He said that for women especially chest surgery can be painful, and he wanted her to be aware of that. She will spend one day in ICU and then move to a regular room until the drainage from the chest tube clears up. Hopefully, that will be within five days. Lots of visitors is probably not good right now, but lots of prayer is definitely appreciated. Please pray specifically for the following things:
* Surgery is successful and they are able to find and close up the hole
* Good results from the biopsy; no LAM disease or other serious lung issues
* That there would be no need to perform the other procedure to prevent future leaks as it can pose problems in the future
* Quick recovery and not a lot of pain to endure
* Wisdom for the surgeon and operating staff
* Great nurses, doctors, hospital staff during the rest of her stay
* Peace for Aliya and the rest of the family
* Experience the love and joy of the Lord throughout this time
* Wisdom for how to proceed in seeking care for TS issues
* A complete healing and a return to normal life and work
Thank you for your time and prayers and we will send out updates as soon as we can. Thanks Marvin and Renee for your visits and stuffed animals – you helped to put a smile on Aliya’s face.
Ken & Sylvia