So my computer died. It doesn't turn on anymore! My beautiful Apple laptop nicked name Girlfriend #2 is gone! I'm crushed. I'm tired and my head hurts. Monday sucked. I got home and I couldn't play music or balance my checkbook. Wow, I didn't know I was that involved with my computer. I guess its time to crack up the PS2 and play some Dynasty Warriors 4. (Remember that game Leif?) Well if anyone knows of some great people who fix computers or salvage hard drives, please let me know. This is rehab.
If you are confused by all the blogging lately, let me break it down. I try to post on my main blog and on Facebook once a week about things that our bothering me or deep thoughts that haven't left my brain in the last week. I don't vlog so this is my outlet. I have a 2nd blog only for political topics which is my homework for my Internet Advocacy class this semester and I felt that I needed to link them onto Facebook too. So I'm sorry if it seems selfish, but its my homework. I'm trying to keep everything short and simple so its a quick read, cause I hate reading long things on the internet. So be patient with me.
I didn't get a chance to watch the Grammy's but like usual I looked up the winner's list and unlike last year's ass kissing which gave the awards to anyone who was Anti-Bush, this year we had the talented Amy Winehouse and flashy Kanye West winning most of the awards. I have actually listened to more the one song off their albums, better yet I own them and I agree with their victories. Solid performances and definitely deserved the top rewards. I still don't think the Dixie Chicks deserved it last year. If you haven't seen Kanye's performance on Youtube, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FL3AfWAnXV0
Handsome Boy Modeling School's music is so amazing. It's truth. http://www.myspace.com/handsomeboymodelingschoool
Homework sucks, period. My computer dies so all my online reading due this week is impossible to do at home. Also because I'm working and interning during daylight hours I cannot fit the short photo lab hours into my weekly schedule, which means all my photo lab homework must be done on the weekends. SUCKS SO MUCH! Here's an idea, since it takes a lot of time to develop photos why not have better lab hours? How about 2-10p during the week? I still believe AU is not for the working Grad Student.
On the better side of life, my sister seems to be doing well. In a lot of pain, which is normal but she should be going home sometime this week. Thank you for your kind words. I always pass them on to her. Family is important man. If you haven't called them this week. Pick up the phone and call them. It wouldn't hurt.
So Google the sexy Riyo Mori if you need a pick me up. God bless Japan for their crazy ninja anime and hot women. Cheers.
PS> I know its late but I've been busy. Besides something this good needs to be mentioned. Well it was the best Super Bowl ever!! Thank you Giants for winning! I so want to see the diner commercial where the Patriot guy brags about perfection. Ah yes. Boston is no longer the champ. As for Super Bowl commercials I feel that Pepsi had my favorites. The one with Justin Timberlake really got the loudest laugh.
I'm posting this from Mike Lewis's blog since I love it. --- Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth," were the words spoken by Mike Tyson. Probably the smartest thing he's ever said. As Wilbon pointed out on PTI, this is exactly how you describe Super Bowl 42. The Patriots had a great offensive plan until Tom Brady got punched in the mouth. The Giants defense played GREAT - sacking Brady 5 times and knocking him down 18 times - and Eli and Tyrees combined on the best scramble/catch ever in Super Bowl history to take the Pats down. I love that quote and i love that I won't have to hear about 19-0.