If you ride on public transportation every morning you slowly begin to realize how much gloom is in the air. No one is smiling. I think the problem is we don't celebrate life enough. Birthdays should always be like a Sweet Sixteen. Over the top and full of foolishness, live a little. And the birth of new babies isn't held in the same honor as a funeral. I'm sure for obvious reasons but I feel that TV, media and maybe ourselves are too afraid or intrigued by death. So this is my celebration of life. Congratulations Marc and Jennifer on the birth of your twins. I think it is a very beautiful thing. Maybe one day I too will be blessed with children.
Your health is important. I think that is what I am learning about the most on this stretch of the road. Two women in my life who I care greatly about are struggling with good health. One more then the other but I have felt helpless in both situations. I don't know what else to say about my sister's situation. I'm glad many of you ask me how my sister is doing. I've been doing my best to visit home on the weekends. She has been in and out of the hospital for days. My parents must be bone tired. She was getting sick and throwing up so they brought her in like every time not matter what time of day or night just to be safe. Turns out she has an infection in her intestines that you usually get from being in the hospital too long. How odd? They are giving her medicine and hopefully sending her home today. My grandmother is here to help. I'm trying to visit them tonight. Things could be worse, so I can't really complain.
But these days I find myself disconnected from everyone. It's been too long since I've posted and it's getting too hard to post anything on a regular basis. Things happen and I'm like I need to write about that, process it and swallow whole, but then I forget. Yet after last night's class about blogging I'm changing a few things: shorter posts and specific topics. So I will spread everything out and it will be my attempt to remember these past weeks and those things that make us human.