Hello July! OMG, its almost mid summer already? AUGH! I'm so freaking out. I'm running out of time to shoot my thesis film. More to come later...
Anyways... I am unhappy with myself and how things are rolling along, but I can't complain because I have my health and I'm surrounded by people I enjoy. They say if money is your only problem, then you are living a great life. Hmmm... that makes my life super great then.
On the upside, one of my fraternity brothers only uses Twitter to post positive quotes. Thanks bro, I find them uplifting.
"Failure inspires winners and defeats losers. Play to win and hate to fail but don't be so afraid to fail that you play not to lose."
Well, I'm revamping my blog. Cassandra seems to do this every three months, so I'm breaking my rules of only doing this once a year. Let me know what you think of the new version. I think it's easier to read. Also, I might switch up the format to posting once a day.... everyday. I've been too busy to keep up with it, but since my blog is made for me by me I don't want to stop. I like reading old posts and listening to my FRESH MUSIC posts. Either way, it needs to be cleaned up and organized. I'm a neat freak.
That's all for now. I'm working on a pre trailer for my film that I will post. Hopefully, I can raise enough funds to do this thing. It's going to be legendary, so I know you want to help.
Peace outside and enjoy the 4th. If you haven't made it out to the Artomatic yet to see my art... you got 4 days left, so go.
The Hypocritical Hypocrite