Does anyone else think that Clinton's win in New Hampshire was first expected since the dawn of time? That the media down played it so much just so that when she won they could play it up as the greatest victory of all time?! Wasn't it like 3% and didn't she finish 3rd in Iowa. I don't know politics and I only give so much of a damn because my girlfriend keeps me up to date, but right now I wish I could turn them off. As in the media and their loud mouth predictions that are so off. They remind me of that kid in class that just won't shut up about having worked in the White House. Seriously who cares. I'm in favor of Obama and expect the next president to be a Democrat but seriously after watching the Clinton family stand on stage and be praised for victory it all felt like dejavu. Yeap its different this time...oh wait no its not. I'm hoping for a change in pace because I'm tired of the SNL Clinton sketches. They just haven't been as funny since '98.
You got to love the Harry Potter movies. I hope they make them all. So does anyone else think Emma Watson will be smoking hot by age 20 probably even earlier. Yes bigger then Natalie Portman. Also who knew Freddie Adu had been dating Jojo? He's earned my respect. Wouldn't it be great if it turns out he's actually 33 and the whole time it was statutory rape.
I'm so looking forward to one of the best Super Bowls of my lifetime. (Well hopefully.) As for my team the Tennessee Titans... at least we made the playoffs. Young, you need a decent line and some receivers and you just might get hit less often. But for now go Dallas.
Did you know that they are actually working on a 4th edition to the Pirates of the Carribean? Something about the Fountain of Youth and Jack Sparrow, though Keira and Bloom are unlikely to return. Thanks to Harry Potter the idea to stop at third has gone out of the window. Hopefully it won't suck and I did watch the third one this past week and its not that bad. It wrapped things up and I thought it still looked quite beautiful on my roommates Blue Ray disc player (aka a PS3.)
Went shopping this past weekend and I thought why not stop by the Apple Store and see how much new headphones cost. Once entering a I felt this odd sensation that reminded me of Saturn and I was instantly put off and did my best to avoid any of those weird store salesmen in the cool iPhone shirts. I found the headphones in the back and upon flipping the box over I was surprised again. $30 for a pair of headphones!! They cost the same on the website and carry a 3 star out of 5 rating (out of 1371 reviews.) The cheapest you can buy a pair of headphones is about $10. Yet Apple is charging $30? The odd thing is these are the new sleeker version and are actually an improvement but their down fall is still not being able to handle constant loud music. So if you like to turn up the volume to drown out the crazy homeless guy sitting next to you on the bus, I advise buying nicer headphones otherwise stick with the $10 ones. Fight the power.
The Target that will be the first in Washington DC is opening in Columbia Heights early this year. (Hopefully) They are hiring and I was tempted to try and apply but honestly, that can't be a good idea. I feel there is a slight chance that place will be looking like K-Mart in no time. As for now I will finish filling out this application to work at Potbelly's. I hear they make good sandwiches.
The secret about today is that I wanted to write about how the system continues to try and screw me over. Half of it is my fault but still I feel there is someone before me setting traps. More to come later American University Financial Aid system.
Cheers to consensual sex.
PS> I'm trying to be more artsy so excuse the weird artwork.