Russian roulette is a potentially lethal game in which participants place a cartridge in only some—typically one—of the several chambers of a revolver. The cylinder is spun and closed so that the location of the round or rounds are unknown. Participants would then aim the revolver at their own heads and pull the trigger, risking a likely death from the gunshot wound. It was famously portrayed in the 1978 film The Deer Hunter as a form of gambling. Chuck Norris plays Russian Roulette with six bullets and wins.
When I was 10 or 11 one of my closest cousins passed away, he was 16. At the time they said he was playing some kind of game with friends and a gun was involved. To this day its one of the worst funerals I have ever been to. He was one of the few people I could consider an older brother. For the longest time I thought I was going to die when I turned 16.
Well I want to not price my topic of conversation to be on the same level as the casualties and risk of this pointless game but I want to state that I almost feel that I'm playing the same game with my emotions and heart.
One of my Universal Truths is that "love hurts." You can't get around it. If you play with fire you will get burned. Just highs and lows. In the end it makes your super paranoid or fabulously wonderful. Well I find myself having to make a choice. Can I see it for what it is? I guess I must be willing to jump that chance and risk heart ache for joy. Commonsense tells me no, but when have I ever listened to that. I've been hurt before and the sour taste never changes. Yeap still tastes like crap. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Am I fool or someone who knows value? Every time I think I got it right, I don't or I come close enough that it feels like Bogey (golf term). How do you improve on love? Where do you practice or train? Why are people only as loyal as their options?
In the end I think its worth most of the trouble, especially when you have something that works. It's something that is hard to find. It has to be worth something dammit. Is there a chance I will be eating my own words by 2009? Yeap, but you only live once. Besides I'm usually out first in poker.
The Titans made the play offs!! We were one game away last year and now we are in it baby! I will be rocking my jersey all weekend. Let's win!
More stock mojo but I will keep it short. I want to let you know about a new company I've come across. Stryker Corporation (SYK: 74.79) from the Healthcare sector. They make orthopedic and special medical instruments. I feel its a good steady growth stock with high potential (lots of cash and little debt.) Check it out. http://finance.google.com/finance?q=NYSE:SYK
Well I just want to say thanks to everyone who made it out to my New Year's Eve party. I had fun and I'm sorry it wasn't crowded and full of people. I had fun anyway and the cheese dip was amazing. Hopefully next time will be better. I still have a lot of alcohol left over. Let me know if you want to stop by to finish it off.
Happy New Year.
PS> Thank you for being honest.
Moving forward using all my breath
Making love to you was never second best
I saw the world crashing all around your face
Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace
I'll stop the world and melt with you
You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time
And there's nothing you and I won't do
I'll stop the world and melt with you
I'll stop the world and melt with you.