Now I'm not writing about the movie. I'm writing about breasts. For those who have no idea what this means...
Itty Bitty Titty Committee: (N.) The club that girls who are an A-Cup or less belong to. They get made fun of by bigger women and most men too, unless they're supermodels or have a giant ass to make up for it. Other than that, they will never be accepted into our image conscious society without $2000 for breast implants.
It's pretty simple. We're talking about small breasts. Why? Well an article from the brilliant Onion, (which I did cut out) led me to write this...(here is the article)
"The undersized breasts problem in the United States has reached crisis level," Saddler said during a press conference held at the National Centers for Rhinoplasty and Microdermabrasion. "Unless they receive immediate cosmetic treatment, millions of women in this country will lose the attention of their male acquaintances completely, and some may never be able to land husbands or, if they are somehow already married, keep their husbands' interest."
Plastic Surgeon General Warns Of Small Breasts Epidemic -- The Onion
Okay, so on to the main point. It's okay to have small boobs. It's not okay to lie about it. This is all from a guy's perspective but I'm being honest here. I've had four girlfriends. I have four sisters and I've been folding laundry since I could stand. One, it is a man's world. Two, it is a man's world for a reason. Three, the best input in my life have come from the women in my life.
I'm sure I've said this before. I'm more of an ass guy. I like da booty but I'm not picky. I like medium size girls with that girl next door look, but I'm not picky. So when I came across this article I had some mix emotions. Though it was funny and I was laughing, I kind of felt sad. So let's look at the bright side of being in the IBTC, cause I'm not for plastic surgery only for cosmetic reasons. No one should feel that pressure. Be happy for who you are.
5. Dressing as a man for Halloween is as easy as putting on a suit. (It's a man's world remember.)
4. You don't need to wear a bra under that t-shirt. (Though I can still see your nips...awkward)
3. You look young for your age. (You fit in with your little brother when you chaperone him to his first Homecoming dance.)
2. It makes you a better dancer. (Watch any pop star's latest music video for proof.)
1. Wearing a sports bar doesn't hurt. (My GF complains about the pain a lot)