So besides Netflix being one of my favorite stock picks since my hero Peter Lynch suggests that you should buy stock in companies when you own their products and see the value first hand. Well I love Netflix and my rental list is like 400 DVDs long. Most of them are Anime series but if you are truly a Film buff or want to get into film making... you need to have Netflix. They have everything which will make it easier for you to watch ALL of the 100 greatest films of all time, catch up on the entire TV series like LOST or even see those hard to find films like The Ice Pirates.
Well enough advertising... here's the plan. I have 4 COUPONS for a 1-Month Free Trial of Netflix. (Their free trials are usually only 2 weeks long) You can sign up, try it out and cancel your subscription at the end of your month if you don't like it. It's a great deal if you split the monthly fee with your roommates. I'm on the 2-DVD plan for $14/month and I share it with the GF. I usually watch my movies the same day that I get the DVD, so the turn around time equals savings!
So call me, email me or just leave a comment and I will send you the coupon code. Remember I have only 4! SO DO IT NOW!