
Strawberry Fields

Peter's Principle #3: "Never invest in any idea you can't illustrate with a crayon."

I've spent the hours that I ride the bus back and forth from work reading books mostly about finance. This is probably one of the best quotes from this year's reading list. I just wanted to put it out there.

Lately I've had trouble writing my notes. I've been too tired. To unfocused on the simple things. I miss it. Putting my ideas down for myself to read later. I documented so much of my college life. So I thought why not continue. Why not prove how much I suck. I'm so emo.

Football. (Sorry I'm just not that into baseball) Fantasy Football is not my friend right now. I'm in two leagues and I'm choking. Also it was slightly annoying that Payton Manning was in that many commercials last year but now this year. Its just beyond stupid annoying. TOO MANY!! Seriously, I will refuse to buy products that he promotes. Besides Tom Brady is Jesus.

I just want to say to that pretty girls make the world go round. I just want to thank you for brightening my classes, bus rides and web surfing. If you are a pretty girl pat yourself on the back. If you used to be. Well....shit happens. Get over it.

Have you noticed on the classic Star Trek episodes that the women are smoking hot. Maybe its just the lightening but I'm usually impressed. I mean seriously the original Star Trek is about frat guys in space, but wow...to be Kirk with all those hot mamas.

Does anyone have great stories about their perfect one night stands? I'm writing a short film about it. Hopefully I will get to make it for class. Come on someone be my MUSE!

I'm thinking about switching my cell phone plan from AT&T to Verizon. Please let me know if you have Verizon or not cause who I call the most will play a major factor. Oh...and my current phone is broken. I can't answer calls. So leave a message or text me. Right now my best form of contact is Facebook. Isn't that sad.

Well I had lunch at Chipotle with an old friend last week. It was good to see her since it had been a couple of years. The conversation was more questions and answers then anything else. I guess its something I should expect. Its about catching up and not so much experiencing life together. How are things? Good I guess. I thought about how it would have gone if we were both single. I'm sure something about meeting up later would have been offered. A chance to walk down memory lane, yet in that moment. It didn't cross my mind. We're truly friends.

I like how I tried to go to bed at 1am and then Cowboy Bebop comes on. Great. Now I have to stay up and watch this. So irresponsible. I stay up too late, therefore I am tired.

I'm upset with some of my ex girlfriends right now. You guys are not taking care of yourselves or playing like champs and its making me look bad. Most guys appreciate it when another guy points out a chick and you're like yeah I used to date her and he high fives you. It's not a good thing when people find out that we used to date and they laugh at me. Claiming that I lost respect points with them or that I have no taste in women.

Reason #42 - She's the kind of girl you can bring home to mom.

For all you haters out there. You don't get it. I get along with her. I want spell it out for you but I think its a waste of my time. You're too quick to judge and I shouldn't point out your flaws. Its unfair. In the end...what you think really doesn't weigh much. It's a relationship between two people. Not 400.

My birthday is less then a month away. I'll be 24. Peace.

PS> When I heard about the news. All I wanted to do was give you a hug. The world seems too small these days. How fragile we are, yet I see brother you are strong. My prayers are with you.