So I moved into my new place. Oh. I'm excited. Its going to be an adventure says my Mom. Yes it is. I love the neighborhood. I'm still working on getting my room up to speed. Its dark and activates my allergies a little. Yeap! Going to require an air filter and dehumidifier. I'll make it work. Besides if you ask me the room is looking pretty pimp now. Thank you Ikea and thank you girl friend for your helpful tips. Now on to the good part! When we were first looking at this house I walked around the basement and found two Spider Crickets (aka Camel Back Crickets). At the lease signing I mentioned this to the Property Manager and asked for an exterminator. She claimed it cost too much and that I must be sure that there is an infestation. So she did nothing. A few weeks later I moved in. Not to my surprise. Turns out that I had three roommates. An infestation of little Black Centipedes, Spider Crickets and House Centipedes who eat Spider Crickets. Though all harmless (sort of since the House Centipede can bite) the Spider Crickets freaked me out. The walls of my room are stone and they blend in perfectly. You don't notice them until its too late. They jump like 3-4 feet in the air and are ugly. So for three days I killed them and slept on the futon in the center of my room. Then I called the Manager and demanded an exterminator. He finally showed up last Monday and did his thing. (What kind of exterminator can't tell the difference between a Silverfish and House Centipede?) Since then Kate and I have been finding numerous insects half dead crawling across the floor. Thanks to the can of Roach Kill, we've been helping them along to the after life. Lesson to be learn. If you see one bug that doesn't look like it should be there. Protest and make them spray the place before you move in. No matter what.
Another fun story. So I blacked out at the bar five Saturday nights ago and my boys carried me home. Well the following morning at Morty's Deli in Tenleytown I offered to pay for their meals. Which everyone was cool with. So the bill came out to be like $120 and the other guys who joined us for breakfast but missed out on the "black hawk down" paid for themselves. Seeing that we were a party of ten I assumed that gratuity had been factored and signed my half of the payment and split. Two days later looking up my bank records I find that my card was charged 25% more then it was supposed to be. That bastard charged my half of the payment his 18% of the total bill though...it was split between four people. SO two things! (1)Pay for your meals and drinks at restaurants with CASH. So when you leave with a receipt. Thats it. No more taking money from you. (2) I'm boycotting Morty's. Too bad cause I even liked the place and I know what you are thinking. Don't worry. He wasn't jewish.
Fantasy Football is coming up. I'm in two leagues. One is a Pi Kapp league which is always a good time. The second, my best friend and I set up so if you want in. Let me know.
Anybody have any PS2 games they don't want?
"Ex Mas Eve" by Vsevolod Horodyskyj would be a better film if it was a porn. The acting would be on key. Actually its not the acting's fault. Its the editor's fault. Learn how to pace a scene please. The cinematographer needs to go watch The Good The Bad and The Ugly again. This movie will help you understand when to use the close up. All in all. Not bad for a student film, but it does need more boyish humor. Oh and wtf is with the montage? It was also nice to see the Del Ray house. Oh the memories.
I hate mosquito bites. There are more of them at the new place and I blame it on the fact that we live closer to the zoo.
Well I'm broke broke. No money. Spent too much at Ikea and its cost a lot to rent a car and drive to NC to pick your girl friend up. At least its only 6 days until my next pay check. Keep smiling people.
PS> I'm going to try out a new blogger website. Blogger.com! (Unless one of you people can give a good reason not too.) I've been using Xanga and Live Journal since my sophomore year in college. I think its time to move on to make it easier to post and focus more on my after college life. So here are the links to the blogs. If you don't agree with this YOU MUST PROTEST! Otherwise first say good bye to Live Journal and then Xanga.