
Cocaine Monkeys Die Harder

As a new school year begins (hopefully my last for the rest of my life) lets not forget others. Let's dedicate this year to "serving others."

So in the message of serving others with this coming Welcome Week upon us, so I post this.

"When people mix cocaine and alcohol consumption, they are compounding the danger each drug poses and unknowingly forming a complex chemical experiment within their bodies. NIDA-funded researchers have found that the human liver combines cocaine and alcohol and manufactures a third substance, cocaethylene, that intensifies cocaine's euphoric effects, while potentially increasing the risk of sudden death."

I just want you to know. I'm watching and listening and I will do what I need to. To protect the ones I love.

I am only frustrated with myself and my inability to turn my blogging into vlogging. I want to make more videos. Senseless humorous ones. Too bad all my video friends moved to LA and left me alone with a camera. I must break this spell and express myself through the visual art form which I claim to know. I met a guy named John. Young cat from Maryland who may be into video more then I. I need to call him.

New pictures of my room will be up soon. I think its pretty much done for now. Maybe missing a shawl here or there. Just need to hang my Spider Man movie poster.

Question. Anyone know anyone they trust who works or knows a lot about Credit Cards? I'm thinking about getting one for special purchases where they charge you extra for using your debit card and not a credit card. Let me know.

Once again I say. Some people shouldn't breed.

Sometimes I just want to be able to freeze time. Enough with these phone calls of bad news. "Let's wait and talk in person. I can't tell you now." Thanks for leaving me in the clouds wondering what the hell could of happened.

These days I'm working a lot. I'm learning, but still getting my ass kicked. Most of this stuff they don't teach you in college. The more and more I think about it I feel that 60% of your college is a system to rip you off. Don't get me wrong. Some professions you need to go to college, but I'm starting to feel that the practical ones or art related ones you don't really need too. A job or an apprenticeship would work better. I may look into changing the rules once I get to the top. Screw the system.

Ladies. I have a friend. Well maybe not a friend, but someone who I've gotten to know a little bit this past year. Its enough to say that I know her and I am beginning to understand her more. As a person. What to expect and where to not place my hope. Here is the issue. Why do girls love bad boys? Guys that treat them like jerks? It's amazing how far just lying and saying the things she wants to hear will get you. I try hard to do the right thing. Most of the time I fall short but the effort is usually rewarded. So how come Joe Blow who doesn't give a damn and holds enough common sense as 12 year old boy gets what I get. Sometimes more. I guess the best way to look at it is that their are fish who live in shallow waters. Though easily visible they do not keep you well fed.

Feeling like I'm drowning in it. I know its good for me. God, these days all I want is a cigarette.

Fantasy Football time. Wish me luck. Peace.

PS> So when does your relationship turn from being serious to serious. Real to real. Yeah the truth hurts but half the time you just need to forget and forgive.