"Thinking back, spotting a hottie with a pretty girl by his side does automatically give him more street cred. Whether the girl is his best friend, his cousin or his lab partner, if she’s pretty and talking to him, then other girls are going to want to know the scoop!" -- A Hot Girl BFF – Why every guy needs one
"The subtext is what we really mean by what we text. Texting can leave a lot up to misinterpretation, so it’s important that flirtexters are able to read subtext." -- SubText
"Fellas, OYLG’s have gone out with guys richer than you, better looking than you, and who have bigger (fill in the blank) than you. Therefore, when trying to date an OYLG, you must be confident in yourself at all times in-order to stand a chance against opposing players." -- Step #1 – How to get a girl who is “Out of Your League” to go out with you!